perl6_config_dash_V.pl6 - Perl 6 Generator

Mark Leighton Fisher on 2007-04-27T17:07:06

This needs more explanation Real Soon Now, but up on SourceForge (and soon on CPAN) there is perl6_config_dash_V.pl6, a Perl 6 generator. As pmtools-perl6 will require Perl 6 configuration knowledge, and Pugs as of 6.2.13 has no, I thought I would write perl6_config_dash_V.pl6 first. (I try to eat my own dogfood whenever I can...)

perl6_config_dash_V.pl6 is written in Perl6 that was tested under Pugs 6.2.13 on Win32. Both perl6_config_dash_V.pl6 and the data that it generates has short but complete POD documentation. Enjoy!